Let's connect

Hi, I'm Kelly...

"After a 3 year infertility journey I felt like I had hit a DEAD END. I had done it all. Until I realised that I didnt understand the mind-body-fertility link."

Kelly Lynch - Fertility Coach

I AM Kelly.

I am a mom to my 2 little 'miracle' girls Selah and Izzy.

I am a wife to my best friend Alan who is a Sports Physician, an avid sportsman, sport-watcher, sport-supporter and probably the kindest human I know.

I was a dietician before I realized that my calling was to be a Fertility Coach and my own fertility journey made this a reality!

My life's work is helping women conceive and become mothers. Alan and I walked a seriously long fertility journey with our first born child, Selah. We then suffered a miscarriage that put me into ICU and then birthed Izzy in the middle of the covid-19 pandemic. I also lost my dad tragically in 2014 and have been on a massive self-explorative journey into the emotional world and how it manifests in our bodies. I also spent many years working with my hormones, my cycle and all that it tells me. I realized how uneducated I was with respect to my body, specifically the connection between my mind (fear, trauma, beliefs etc) and the body and how this could impact my desire to have a baby.

I truly believe that working on ourselves, specifically our inner worlds, and understanding the mind-body connection can enhance any physical outcomes.

It is essential, with the infertility rates at record levels, that we address the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual worlds of women trying to conceive (not only focus on our physical bodies). 

Conceiving a baby is not only a physical process. If conception and pregnancy was as easy as sperm + egg = embryo, then IVF success rates would be around 90%. If you are reading this, you know that isn't the case.

Inner Work Fertility

After being diagnosed with Unexplained Infertility and feeling like I was at a dead end and still not pregnant, I changed direction. I learnt about the mind-body-fertility connection.

And with that, it all changed.

I'm now a mom to 2 little girls, Selah & Izzy.

I am here to share the tools I learnt, and to help you become a mom!

Inner Work Fertility Course

A digital course designed to deliver tools to do the inner work to align the mind and the body, and optimize the physical body for pregnancy.

About the Course

Is the course for you?

Book a free 30 min Zoom call to chat to Kelly about the course and see if it is for you?


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 Try one of my tools?

Assessing any potential fear in the fertility space?